
Experience something different. Between using 3D Body Scanning Technology, state of the art equipment, and advanced training methods, Ferris Fitness is unlike any other gym. While most places still use dated methods, Ferris Fitness prides ourselves in being the forerunners in the fitness industry.


We are unlike any other gym. Our mission is to provide all the tools you need to reach your fitness goals in a clean, vibrant, encouraging environment you will be proud to call YOUR gym. We won’t hold you hostage like other fitness clubs. You’ll want to stay because of the dedication to our craft.


Ferris Fitness owner, Cory Ferris started Ferris Fitness in 2021 after losing his job due to covid. The goal behind Ferris Fitness was to help people battle all of the emotions Covid brought about. It was a dark time for many and our mental health took the backseat. Cory wanted to help people by encouraging others to workout and focus on their health. Ferris Fitness started with only a couple of clients and has blossomed into what we are today. We have had the privilege of helping people all over the world take control of their lives. Thanks to our clientele, Ferris Fitness has just opened their first of many private gyms in Duluth, GA.


The gym


Ferris Fitness has several options available. Personal Training is offered in a 1-1 setting lead by a certified personal trainer, providing a very personalized experience. Semi-private training is similar to personal training, only it’s more fun as there are typically 2-4 people in a session. Group classes are bigger groups with a set theme for the day. These classes offer an energy-filled atmosphere with a great community that keeps you motivated.

Our 3D Body Scanner will recreate you in 3D, in about 40 seconds, and give you about 200 numbers in reference to your body. While traditional health clubs still use scales and tape measures, we prefer to give our members access to the best technology ensuring we ALWAYS know exactly where we stand on our journey.

This is the beauty of Ferris Fitness. We do not hold you to one type of training! Goals change along the way, why shouldn’t your training style? We offer 2 free sessions in order to guide you through your journey. Most of experienced people will start in Semi-Private groups, or the group training. Others with less experience might start in a 1-1 Personal training setting, and switch to another style after they have built up a good foundation.

Based on your goals, we calculate a deficit or surplus of your estimated total daily energy expenditure. We then upload that calorie goal into your profile in our complimentary app, set a protein, carbohydrate and fat goal (Macros). You are able to track meals in our app and fill in the bars to hit your nutrition goal. Your trainer will follow along closely and help you stay on track. We also have a full recipe book allowing you to swap out meals. Who said hitting your nutrition goals had to be boring!

We offer Wifi. Ferris Fitness has separate a Wifi password.